All Scelight™ News
2020 September 3 - Updated Balance Data and Textures
Changes and new features:
2020 July 29 - Scelight 6.5.4
Changes and new features:
2020 July 19 - Scelight 6.5.3
Changes and new features:
2019 December 4 - Scelight 6.5.2
Changes and new features:
2019 December 4 - Scelight 6.5.1
Changes and new features:
2019 August 20 - Scelight 6.5
Changes and new features:
2018 November 20 - Scelight 6.4.3
Changes and new features:
2018 July 18 - Scelight 6.4.2
Changes and new features:
2018 June 22 - Scelight 6.4.1
Changes and new features:
2018 June 16 - Scelight 6.4.0
Changes and new features:
2018 April 26 - Scelight 6.3.1
Changes and new features:
2018 April 5 - Scelight 6.3.0
Changes and new features:
2018 March 10 - Scelight 6.2.29
Changes and new features:
2018 February 24 - Scelight 6.2.28
Changes and new features:
2017 December 9 - Scelight 6.2.27
Changes and new features:
2017 November 18 - Scelight 6.2.26
Changes and new features:
2017 October 12 - Scelight 6.2.25
Changes and new features:
2017 September 17 - Scelight 6.2.24
Changes and new features:
2017 September 9 - Scelight 6.2.23
Changes and new features:
2017 August 31 - Scelight 6.2.22
Changes and new features:
2017 August 5 - Scelight 6.2.21
Changes and new features:
2017 July 23 - Scelight 6.2.20
Changes and new features:
2017 June 22 - Scelight 6.2.19
Changes and new features:
2017 May 24 - Scelight 6.2.18
Changes and new features:
2017 May 7 - Scelight 6.2.17
Changes and new features:
2017 April 1 - Scelight 6.2.16
Changes and new features:
2017 March 15 - Scelight 6.2.15
Changes and new features:
2017 January 29 - Scelight 6.2.14
Changes and new features:
2016 December 16 - Scelight 6.2.13
Changes and new features:
2016 November 26 - Scelight 6.2.12
Changes and new features:
2016 October 20 - Scelight 6.2.11
Changes and new features:
2016 September 18 - Scelight 6.2.10
Changes and new features:
2016 August 2 - Scelight 6.2.9
Changes and new features:
2016 July 13 - Scelight 6.2.8
Changes and new features:
2016 June 15 - Scelight 6.2.7
Changes and new features:
2016 May 18 - Scelight 6.2.6
Changes and new features:
2016 April 23 - Scelight 6.2.5
Changes and new features:
2016 March 30 - Scelight 6.2.4
Changes and new features:
2016 January 29 - Scelight 6.2.3
Changes and new features:
2016 January 16 - Scelight 6.2.2
Changes and new features:
2015 December 17 - Scelight 6.2.1
Changes and new features:
2015 November 27 - Scelight 6.2
Changes and new features:
"The speed of light sucks."
2015 November 18 - Scelight 6.1
Changes and new features:
"The planet is always half light and half dark, and so are we."
2015 November 12 - Scelight 6.0.3
Changes and new features:
2015 November 12 - Scelight 6.0.2
Changes and new features:
2015 October 28 - Scelight 6.0.1
Changes and new features:
2015 October 10 - Scelight 6.0
Changes and new features:
"But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light."
2015 February 25 - SC2ReplayStatsUploader - The First Official External Module
Today the first Official External Module called SC2ReplayStatsUploader is released!

This External Module uploads new replays to your account automatically.

How to install the SC2ReplayStatsUploader External Module:
  1. Go to the Available Modules page (below the News page), select SC2ReplayStatsUploader in the table and click on the Install / Auto-upate Selected Modules icon (above the table).
  2. Restart the Scelight Launcher. SC2ReplayStatsUploader will be automatically downloaded and installed.
  3. Go to the Installed Modules page, select SC2ReplayStatsUploader and click on the Enable Selected Modules icon (over the table).
You're done! Start Scelight (with the START button) and the SC2ReplayStatsUploader External Module will be activated!

Disclaimer: The SC2ReplayStatsUploader External Module is not developed and maintained by me and I take zero credit and responsibility for how it works and what it does.
2014 September 26 - Scelight 5.1
Changes and new features:
"Shadow owes its birth to light."
2014 May 16 - Scelight 5.0
Changes and new features:
"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."
2014 April 10 - Scelight 4.3
Changes and new features:
"An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it."
2014 March 20 - Scelight 4.2
Changes and new features:
"Genius is not so much a light as it is a constant awareness of the surrounding gloom."
2014 March 7 - Scelight 4.0
Changes and new features:
"Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night; God said, "Let Newton be!" and all was light."
2014 February 20 - Scelight 3.0
Changes and new features:
"Light itself is a great corrective. A thousand wrongs and abuses that are grown in darkness disappear, like owls and bats, before the light of day."
2014 February 3 - Scelight 2.2
Changes and new features:
"There's more to light than the opposite of dark."
2014 January 31 - Scelight 2.1
Changes and new features:
"Remember: Always walk in the light. And if you feel like you're not walking in it, go find it. Love the light."
2014 January 22 - Scelight 2.0.1
Changes and new features:
2014 January 20 - Scelight 2.0
Changes and new features:
"We realize the importance of light when we see darkness."
2014 January 6 - Scelight 1.5
Changes and new features:
"When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat."
2013 December 18 - Scelight 1.4
Changes and new features:
"In future, children won't perceive the stars as mere twinkling points of light: they'll learn that each is a 'Sun', orbited by planets fully as interesting as those in our Solar system."
2013 December 14 - Scelight 1.3
Changes and new features:
"Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times."
2013 December 11 - Scelight 1.2
Changes and new features:
"Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?"
2013 December 6 - Scelight 1.0.1
Changes and new features:
2013 December 5 - Scelight 1.0 - The first public release
At last! The first public version of Scelight™ is released!
I still have a long way ahead, but the current version is already useful enough to be shared. It is also better for everyone to give / get feedback earlier.

Some highlights of Scelight: Visit the home page for more about Scelight:

"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."
2013 July 30 - Scelight hard in the making...
Main design aspects of Scelight: Scelight announcement thread:
My "Secret" New Project

"They only lack the light to show the way."
2013 March 22 - The Beginning
Development of Scelight™ begins.

But wait...
What has led to a successor instead of just updating Sc2gears™?

Many things. To mention the main reasons: Due to the aforementioned improvements, if I were to rewrite Sc2gears, I would do many things quite differently. It is much easier to do these different things in a fresh new project than to refactor an existing huge and complex project. Without refactoring on the long-run I would just make my job even worse.
No question it would've been easier to just update Sc2gears than to create something entirely new. But I plan a much longer and more important role for my project than to just choose the easier path.

"And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."
Latest Scelight™ News
"Sometimes a man rises from the darkness."